Fright Night Out Pasta Dinner!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
6 - 10 pm
MCC Windsor
1680 Dougall Ave
Featuring a pasta sauce contest between Fran and Jason, lots of pasta to try the sauces on, salad, dinner roll, coffee or tea, and dessert! Light snacks and other refreshments will also be available for purchase. We'll also have silent auction items, a costume contest, 50/50 draw, pumpkin carving and more!
We will also be collecting canned goods for the WellCome Centre for Human Potential, as part of our on-going support for them. Please help us replenish their shelves.
Tickets are $10 in advance (you can call the church office to reserve yours--519-977-6897) or $12 at the door; $5 for children and students with ID.
Honouring Lives Well-Lived: Planning for the End of Life
Wednesday November 7 and Wednesday November 14, 2012
7 - 9 pm both evenings

How do you want to be remembered? How does your parent wish to be cared for as her life draws to an end? Do you know who can make medical decisions for you when you cannot make them yourself? Is that person the best person to make those decisions? Does your partner have a special hymn she wants sung at her funeral or memorial? What happens to us after death? Where is God when I am dying?
None of these are easy questions. It's not something we like
to think about--the end of our life or of someone we love. But with
preparation we can have confidence that while it may still be difficult,
we have made our choices ourselves with thought and prayers.
Presentations by clergy, hospice personnel, a lawyer, and a funeral director will offer insights and suggestions for you and those you love as you consider living wills, medical powers of attorney, funeral pre-planning, the meaning of death, and God's presence with us in death, among other topics.
Sessions will take place Wednesday November 7 and Wednesday November 14 at Hospice of Windsor from 7 - 9 pm.
Please join MCC Windsor; Bedford United, Westminster United, and Emmanuel United Churches, and Hospice of Windsor for this important time of sharing and information.
Presentations by clergy, hospice personnel, a lawyer, and a funeral director will offer insights and suggestions for you and those you love as you consider living wills, medical powers of attorney, funeral pre-planning, the meaning of death, and God's presence with us in death, among other topics.
Sessions will take place Wednesday November 7 and Wednesday November 14 at Hospice of Windsor from 7 - 9 pm.
Please join MCC Windsor; Bedford United, Westminster United, and Emmanuel United Churches, and Hospice of Windsor for this important time of sharing and information.
Annual Budget Forum
Sunday, November 11, 2012
3 pm
The suggested budget for 2013 will be presented by our treasurer, Linda. This is your opportunity, as members, to make comments and suggest changes. The budget will be finalised at this meeting and then approved at the Congregational Business Meeting November 28th.
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Rite of Renaming
November 28th, 2012
1:30 pm
We remember and name our transgender brothers and sisters whom we have lost to violence and ignorance in the last year, and we look to the future with hope in a time of renaming--taking the name we are meant to have. If you would like to participate in the renaming ceremony, please contact Rev. Martha.
Coming up soon....
World AIDS Day remembrance December 2
Trade and craft show December 8
Christmas Eve service December 24
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