It was twenty-five years ago that a group of Christians--lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and two-spirited--began to gather in Windsor to worship. Led by a pastor sent by MCC Toronto, the late Rev. Don McRae, they were a vital witness to the city that God loves all God's children. MCC Windsor has been a supporter of the Windsor Pride festival, the AIDS Committee of Windsor, the WellCome Centre, the Service Alliance For Equality, Windsor Pride Community Centre, and many other community organizations. We have offered prayers of blessing for the Windsor City Council, at the Pride flagraising, and for countless same-gender couples who have been married under our auspices. We have been served by several pastors--Rev. Don McRae, Diane Skomash, Rev. Evan LeBlanc, Rev. Mark Bidwell, Rev. Brenda Hunt, and Rev. Martha Daniels. We have also been privileged by the presence of several deacons--currently Deacon John Shellhorn and Deacon Jason Beaudin.
It is time to celebrate! We can't do it in just one event, so we are taking the whole weekend of January 19 - 20, and we are delighted and excited to be able to announce that Rev. Elder Dr. Troy Perry will be joining us for the weekend!
Rev. Elder Troy is the founder of Metropolitan Community Churches, a worldwide Christian denomination founded in, and reaching beyond, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and two-spirited community. From a small group gathered in his living room in the fall of 1968 the church has grown in numbers and influence and spread across the globe. MCC is found all over the world, from South Africa to the UK, from the US to Brazil, the Philippines to Australia, and of course, Canada! MCC leaders have participated in the human rights movement in Eastern Europe and have been included in discussions of human rights in the US White House. Rev. Elder Troy is a warm, charismatic and dynamic speaker--you do not want to miss this historic weekend!
Please join MCC Windsor on Saturday, January 19, 2013, for a gala dinner at the Hilton Windsor (Riverfront). Rev. Elder Troy will speak, we will share a wonderful dinner and memories--all emceed by Windsor's own Dan McDonald.
On Sunday, January 20, 2013 ,we will join in worship with present, former, and future members of MCC Windsor for a worship service featuring Rev. Elder Troy preaching and presiding over Communion. Special music and a few surprises are in store, so do not miss this special event!
Saturday, January 19, 6:30 pm, gala dinner, Hilton Windsor (277 Riverside Dr E)
Dinner, cash bar, silent auction, door prizes, speakers, memories, fun! Tickets are $30/person, $50/couple, and may be purchased at MCC Windsor on Sundays, on our website (, by phone at 519-977-6897, at Windsor Pride, or from a member of MCC Windsor.
are available at the Hilton for a special rate for the evening! Call 519.973.5555 (code: SMERF) for your reservations.
Sunday, January 20, 1:30 pm: Worship celebration!
1680 Dougall Ave, (at Tecumseh Rd. W; in Westminster United Church) Join us for music, praise, the message brought by Rev. Elder Troy, and an experience of God's love for all!